Federal Criminal Defense Attorney
Both State and Federal prosecutors have a virtual endless amount of resources at their disposal. This is perhaps the most true in the federal criminal court system, howeer. Practicing in federal criminal courts can be extremely tough. Therefore, it is important to entrust your case to someone with skill, intelligence, and the devotion to achieve success to level the playing field. The Law Offices of Carl David Ceder, PLLC, will do whatever is necessary to bring a favorable outcome for clients.
Federal investigations are extremely different than state invesigations. Most of the time when a suspect is taken into custody the arrest is the culmination of months, if not years, of investigation by federal authorities. Federal agencies involved in criminal investigation can include:
• Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
• Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)
• Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
• Criminal Division of the IRS (CID)
• Department of Homeland Security
• United States Secret Service
• Office of Inspector General
A case can still be prosecuted in a federal court without a federal agency investigation. State offenses such as drug crimes, computer crimes, certain white collar offenses, and also matters on federal property can result in being adjudicated in the federal system. Carl is committed to utilizing everything in his power to combat the massive amount of resources the federal government has by at their disposal. He will do everything he can to ensure that you or your loved one’s rights are fully protected.
The Law Offices of Carl David Ceder, PLLC, will fully prepare and aggressively challenge the government at every stage of a federal criminal prosecution. Carl understands the gravity and seriousness of facing a federal charge. He will 100% pledge to any client that he will spend countless hours analyzing facts, interviewing and preparing witnesses, and thoroughly researching the law to learn everything possible to prepare for an aggressive defense. If necessary, he will use investigators, experts, and specialists for support. The Law Offices of Carl David Ceder, PLLC has one simple goal...To Protect Your Rights.
Carl is admitted to practice in the Northern, Eastern, and Western Districts of Texas, which include federal courthouses in Austin, Waco, San Antonio, Dallas, Fort Worth, and Plano.